VNC Installation in Solaris 10

This document details how to install VNC on Solaris 10.

Download the relevant VNC G-Zipped file from eg “vnc-4_1_1-sparc_solaris.tar.gz”

FTP to /tmp on the relevant server.

Un-Zip the file:

gzcat –d vnc-4_1_1-sparc_solaris.tar.gz > vnc-4_1_1-sparc_solaris.tar

Un-Tar the file:

tar –xvf vnc-4_1_1-sparc_solaris.tar

Review “README” file, but essentially:

mkdir  /opt/sfw/vnc 
./vncinstall /opt/sfw/vnc

Add the following entries to file “/usr/dt/config/Xservers”

:1   Local local_uid@none root /opt/sfw/bin/Xvnc -geometry 1152x900 -depth 24 -SecurityTypes None -rfbauth   /vnc/passwd :1
:2   Local local_uid@none root /opt/sfw/bin/Xvnc -geometry 1152x900 -depth 24 -SecurityTypes None -rfbauth /.vnc/passwd :2
:3   Local local_uid@none root /opt/sfw/bin/Xvnc -geometry 1152x900 -depth 24 -SecurityTypes None -rfbauth /.vnc/passwd :3

Amend file “/.vnc/xstartup” so that it looks like below ie original last line remarked out and then add additional line:-

[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
vncconfig -iconic &
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
#twm &
/usr/dt/bin/dtsession &

Set the VNC password with the following command:-

cd /opt/sfw/vnc
./ vncpasswd

Issue the following commands to enable VNC:-

/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig –kill
/etc/init.d/dtlogin stop
/etc/init.d/dtlogin start
/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e 

Add “/usr/openwin/bin/” (so xauth can be located) to your path and start the VNC Server:-

PATH=$PATH:/usr/openwin/bin/;export PATH

Test connection to the server with VNC Viewer from your PC.

solaris/vnc.txt · Last modified: 11/04/2022 23:22 by andrew