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3c588 - 3Com Multiconnect repeater hub

 3Com - 3c588

Despite appearances, the 3c588 is just a modular repeater, not a switch.

The BNC module has a jumper internally to terminate the segment so you do not have to use a TEE piece. It looks like a screw is available to earth the segment too. The partition LED light comes on solid if the segment is partioned off because of a fault, either a short or an open circuit, basically any deviation from the expected 25 Ohms (a 50 ohm terminator at each end, ie. in parallel) Flashing indicates the fault is cleared. The reset switch position clears the fault led.

Available modules:-

  • 3-port 10base-T
  • BNC coax
  • AUI 15 pin D connector

Also I have read of a module by Codenoll (FOIRL with ST connectors) but have not heard anything else.

There is a single controller module with a 9 pin D socket on the front, I believe this was intended for an uplink to a second card cage which was never released.

Module for Thin Ethernet 10Base-2, this has a jumper on to remove the requirement for a bulky Tee piece and 50 Ohm terminator on the front panel where space may be short if fully populated.

Module for AUI, this could have a AUI module fitted to convert to 10Base-T, 10Base-2 or fibre, or connect directly to a network card with an AUI cable.

Module with 3x RJ45 10Base-T sockets and status LEDs.

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