Present LUNS to host

You will need to be logged in to an sssu client somewhere….

You should have already created a vdisk you wish to present to a host:-

array02> ls vdisk test2vdisk
\Virtual Disks\test2vdisk\ACTIVE information:
  objectid .............................: 094007108043016000DCDE050030000000004C00
  objectname ...........................: \Virtual Disks\test2vdisk\ACTIVE
  objecttype ...........................: virtualdisk

You will also need a host defined to present to disk to:-

array02> ls host "\Hosts\Test\test01"

array02> set host "\Hosts\Test\test01" COMMENT="Test Server"

If the host is in the wrong place, you can move it's location:-

array02> move host "\Hosts\RGS\Application server\rac02" "\Hosts\Test"

array02> SET HOST "\Hosts\Test\rac03" name="rac02"

For the LUN masking part of presenting to work, the hosts will need to have their WWN's added, the WWN's on both fabrics should be added.

array02> SET HOST "\Hosts\Test\rac02" ADD_WORLD_WIDE_NAME="5001-10a0-0019-a7f8"

This should present the LUN to the host, in HP-speak, adding and deleting LUNS is the same as presenting and unpresenting a disk. Adding and deleting a vdisk creates or destroys a disk.

array02> add lun 1 vdisk="\Virtual Disks\TestSystems\test01\Vdisk001\ACTIVE" host="\Hosts\Test\test01"
rb/evapresentlun.txt · Last modified: 28/08/2019 14:08 by