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Kabel TV Eindhoven
In the Mid 1990s, I had the opportunity to visit Eindhoven in the Netherlands and I managed to blag a visit to the local cable TV operator.
Head End
Unlike in Coventry at a similar time, the head end was located in a flat rented at the top of a tower block of just ordinary accommodation. The antenna for Satellite and Terrestrial were on the roof of the tower block. Due to the height, a high gain antenna was able to pick up UHF TV for BBC and ITV broadcast from Suffolk. Probably without a licence, as a licence from the BBC would have increased royalties created difficulty with multi regions broadcast. Still I'd like to see the idiots from TV licencing try to catch the entire Netherlands.
Equipment room
This was split up by room, living room Cable launch amplifiers, bedroom for satellite and terrestrial receivers, kitchen for the cookery programme equipment (just kidding) and the toilet for use of the engineers. Actually I can't remember much about the layout but it felt very odd being in a tower block flat for a headend rather than a custom built screened room.
The network as I remember was built to carry up to 650MHz of rf, not sure if there was ever any sort of reverse path used.
The outside cabling was directly buried in the sand the area was made of, this again seemed odd compared to the UK use of ducts and overhead wires. But not having overhead wires made neighbourhoods far tidier.
dadasdads asd
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