vi cheat-sheet
a. cursor movements (items below are sometimes called objects):
h - left one character l - right one character j - down one line k - up one line w - right one word b - back one word $ - to the end of line 0 - to the beginning of the line ) - right one sentence ( - left one sentence } - right one paragraph { - left one paragraph Ctrl-F - forward one page Ctrl-B - back one page G - go to (without arguments, go to end of file)
b. deleting:
d - delete then add one of the cursor movement symbols to show what should be deleted, i.e.: d$ - delete to end of line d0 - delete to the beginning of the line d} - delete to the end of paragraph dd - delete delete (delete the whole line) x - delete character cursor is on
c. other basic commands:
r - replace one character ZZ - save and exit (hold down shift and press "z" twice) y - yank (copy into temporary buffer) then add cursor movement symbol to show what should be copied, for example: y) - copy to the end of sentence Y - yank line cursor is on p - paste below cursor line (deleted or copied text) P - paste above cursor line u - undo last editing command /sometext - search for "sometext"
d. any command can take numeric argument before the name of “object”, i.e.:
5dd - delete 5 lines beginning with cursor line (or) d5d - same 2dw - delete two words (or) d2w - delete two words c3w - change 3 words 3Ctrl-B - move up three pages 1G - go to the first line
e. external commands can be performed on the selected text (in lines)
if command is started with "!", i.e.: !}fmt - reformat paragraph to 72 columns
f. command line (sometimes called “ex mode”):
g. from the command line a “set” command can be executed to
customize editing environment, i.e.: :set all - will show the state of all options :set number - will show on the screen numbers of all lines :set autoindent // obvious
h. from the command line operations can be performed on the range of lines,
i.e.: :18,24 del - delete from line 18 to line 24 :23,48 copy 17 - block from line 23 to 48 copy to line 17 :2,17 move 92 - block from line 2 to 17 move to line 92
i. from the command line any external UNIX command can be performed on
the range of lines if line range is superseded by "!": :11,16! sed -e "s/^//*/" -e "s/$/*//"
(the command above wraps the block of text with
"C" style comments - /* text */. It can be done easier, but this is an example) :14,19! sort -r +3 (sort the table in reverse order by fourth column)
j. file manipulation from the command line:
:r somefile - read in "somefile" :x - save and exit (if file is "Read Only", this command will exit without saving) :wq - write and quit (same as above) :w - write (save) if the file permissions allow it :w! - save file even if it is read-only as long as we own it :w somefile - save this file as "somefile" :q - quit without saving :q! - quit without saving if changes were made
k. text input commands (all require “Esc” to terminate):
i - insert text before the character cursor is on I - insert text at the beginning of the line a - append (insert text after the character cursor is on) A - append text to the end of the line c - change (replace previous text with new one) takes arguments just like the delete command - it is a fast and powerful way of changing original text - much more so than typical "overwrite"
R - start overwriting text
o - start entering text at the beginning of the new line below the cursor O - start entering text at the beginning of the new line above the cursor
l. if in doubt, press “Esc”