Table of Contents


Background Info

This check was written as a spoof for a colleague who was working remotely in a slightly dodgy country. It bases the validity of the visa solely on the load of the system running the Nagios check, it does not of course, actually check a visa status.

You will probably have to alter the load thresholds for your system.

Check code

# Written Andrew Stringer, 05/02/2014
# contact me on:- nagios atsymbol rainsbrook dot co dot uk
# Purpose is to check XXXXX XXXXX's visa status.
# This does not really check the visa status of course.
# Possible outputs:-
# 0 Visa Valid
# 1 Visa Valid but due to expire
# 2 Visa no longer valid
# 3 No visa information returned
#Print out command line options
usage() { echo "Usage:- <hostname>"  1>&2; exit 4; }
#Check we have some arguments passed
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
        exit 4
ONEMINLOAD=`uptime | cut -d: -f 5 | cut -d, -f1`
VISASTATUS=$(echo "scale=1; $ONEMINLOAD * 100;" | bc | xargs printf "%1.0f")
if [[ $VISASTATUS -lt 150 ]]; then
        echo "OK - Visa Valid."
        exit 0
elif [[ $VISASTATUS -ge 150 ]] && [[ $VISASTATUS -lt 180 ]]; then
        echo "WARNING - Visa Valid but due to expire."
        exit 1
elif [[ $VISASTATUS -ge 180 ]] && [[ $VISASTATUS -lt 220 ]]; then
        echo "WARNING - Visa Valid but only just, more ca\$h payable."
        exit 1
elif [[ $VISASTATUS -ge 220 ]] && [[ $VISASTATUS -lt 260 ]]; then
        echo "CRITICAL - Visa no longer valid, pack your bags."
        exit 2
elif [[ $VISASTATUS -ge 260 ]]; then
        echo "CRITICAL - Visa no longer valid, deportation imminent."
        exit 2
        echo "UNKNOWN - No visa information returned."
        exit 3
exit 0

Command Definition

define command {
                command_name    check_visa
                command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/'$HOSTADDRESS$'

Service Definition

define service {
        use                             generic-service
        host_name                       VisaHost-dummy
        service_description             Check Visa
        check_command                   check_visa
        notifications_enabled           0