====== X11 tips and tricks ====== X11 is the graphics server used by Linux, Xfree86 used to be the most widespread, now x.org seems more common. These are a few hints I have used. ===== Launching an application on a remote screen ===== Authorise the X server to accept connections form your other machine. (Rememver the server and client are the opposite way round to what you expect, the server is your machine with the display and the client is the machine attempting to make the connection.) Add an ''.xinitrc'' to your home dir, use xhost to to allow this:- xhost + To run the x11 app, export the $DISPLAY variable with the command:- DISPLAY=:0.0 /path/to/command ipaddress is the server address, ie. the machine with the display attached. Probably a better way and more secure is to ssh from your server machine to the client and allow ssh to set up the X forwarding in a secure channel:- ssh -l username -X