====Configuring automatic failover for ITM Agents==== When the TEMS server goes offline, agents do not automatically failover and failback, so this needs to be configured on each client server. Log onto the client server and stop the agents (this example is for a server at Laindon) cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin ./itmcmd agent stop all Note: if you're on an tivoli or nim server issue the following instead (otherwise other crucial services/agents will be stopped); ./itmcmd agent stop ux ./itmcmd agent stop px Run the agent config for each agent on the box and just accept the defaults (unix agent). bash-3.00# ./itmcmd config -A ux Agent configuration started... Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1): TEMS Host Name (Default is: itmprtemf.unix.brm.pri): Network Protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe or ip.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe): Now choose the next protocol number from one of these: - ip - sna - ip.spipe - 0 for none Network Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918): Enter name of KDC_PARTITION (Default is: null): Configure connection for a secondary TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1): Secondary TEMS HostName (Default is: itmprtem.unix.brm.pri): Secondary TEMS protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe or ip.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe): Now choose the next protocol number from one of these: - ip - sna - ip.spipe - 0 for none Secondary TEMS Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): Secondary TEMS IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918): Enter Optional Primary Network Name or 0 for "none" (Default is: 0): Are you installing this product into a clustered environment [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2): Agent configuration completed... bash-3.00# You may get this extra question if you change the default/secondary TEMS host names; Would you like to restart the component to allow new configuration to take effect? [1=Yes, 2=No] (Default is: 1): 2 This command is for the premium agent - for Aix only, (this example is for a server at West Malling) ./itmcmd config -A px Agent configuration started... Will this agent connect to a TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 1): TEMS Host Name (Default is: itmprtem.unix.brm.pri): Network Protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe or ip.spipe] (Default is: ip.pipe): Now choose the next protocol number from one of these: - ip - sna - ip.spipe - 0 for none Network Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918): Enter name of KDC_PARTITION (Default is: null): Configure connection for a secondary TEMS? [1=YES, 2=NO] (Default is: 2): 1 Secondary TEMS HostName (Default is: none): itmprtemf.unix.brm.pri Secondary TEMS protocol [ip, sna, ip.pipe or ip.spipe] (Default is: none): ip.pipe Now choose the next protocol number from one of these: - ip - sna - ip.spipe - 0 for none Secondary TEMS Protocol 2 (Default is: 0): Secondary TEMS IP.PIPE Port Number (Default is: 1918): Enter Optional Primary Network Name or 0 for "none" (Default is: 0): Agent configuration completed... Edit the agent .ini files in /opt/IBM/ITM/config for each agent (ux.ini, px.ini, etc) and add the following to the end of the file CTIRA_RECONNECT_WAIT=600 CTIRA_PRIMARY_FALLBACK_INTERVAL=1500 Finally, start the agents again and you're done. cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin ./itmcmd agent start all Note: if you're on an tivoli or nim server issue the following instead (otherwise other crucial services/agents may be restarted); ./itmcmd agent start ux ./itmcmd agent start px